Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Procrastinate much?

I am not sure what my problem is as of late. But I did just about nothing yesterday. How sad. My house is a wreck and I simply just

I cannot be like that today. I have too much that needs to be done. I made a list. And I must get things done.

Finish the laundry
vac and wash floors
clean off my dining table
make two thank you cards
get the bills figured out for the month
make grocery list
remove clutter from living room

I NEED to get all of that done today dammit.

I have been getting up around 4:50ish each morning. My eyes just pop open and I am wide awake, regardless of what time I fall asleep. Instead of letting it get me down as I have in the past, I am embracing it. This is going to be my 'me' time. I made some tea, read the news, read some blogs and have just enjoyed the peace and quiet.

I am about to go get a load of laundry started, fold one basket that needs folding, and then I am gonna bake some banana muffins for breakfast and pack T's lunch.

Then? CLEAN. Seriously this time. LOL

Oh, and I need to find my camera charger so I can show off mah hair.


Unknown said...

From the looks of the strike throughs, you're hard at work lol. Take a deserve one!

Anonymous said...

I wonder how much you got done. My day went by like time was flying. The one thing I SHOULD have done... I didnt touch. Tomorrow in class, teacher wants us to lecture. My subject is punctuation and grammar for medical related stuffs. Oh I can do it... but I didn't look through my book for examples.
I also wanted to get job apps from D&D and McD's... didn't do that, either.

Chastity said...

Come on Jen...we need pictures!