Monday, February 1, 2010

Potty training

I had started potty training M back in October of 2008. Yeah, you read that right. Oh-EIGHT. Ugh.

I took it very slow, taking her into the bathroom with me when I had to go, sitting her on her potty while she was still in her diaper, etc. She took interest and would spend a lot of time sitting on it, but only actually went one time. In November, things with T and I had become so strained that I really just sort of gave up on it, as I did with most everything else. I spent my time playing and reading with her instead.

I was very depressed. I could not sleep most nights, and during the day it was all I could do just to remain awake. I spent a lot of time wandering around my house, crying, knowing that I was going to lose it. Ugh.

In April I had to come here to my moms. I tried to resume the potty thing once her and I got into a routine over here. She was NOT having it. And I did not push. Everything she knew was gone, and even though we had established a routine, I just did not want to push too hard.

Everything I had ever read about training said not to push them, that when they were ready, they would go. Riiiight.

We are several days into this now, and she is doing really well. I had visions of cleaning poop off of the carpet and stuff. So far, so good. She has peed on the carpet only twice, and both of those times I SWEAR she did it out of spite. LOL.

She wore her underwear for the first 3 days with no problems. I keep her in a pull-up at night just in case. She has stayed dry most nights. The last 2 days though, she has refused to wear her underwear. She wants a pull-up. Well, I only have two left and I am broke. SO... when I grabbed her undies this morning, she FREAKED the fuck OUT. I am talking about a screaming, writhing, throwing-up, demonic-like tantrum like I have never seen from her.

She was PISSED.

I let her scream, writhe, gag and flop of the floor for a few minutes. I told her the choice was hers, she could sit there and wig out, or she could put her undies on, have a juice, and watch the Backyardigans. And I walked away.

The tantrum continued. She screamed from the depths of her very being, and at that point I was concerned that she was going to shred her throat. So I went out, picked her up off of the floor and just held her and talked to her and she eventually calmed right down. She asked to put her undies on, and its been smooth sailing since then.

It is only 9:38 a.m. and mama is wondering if it is too early to make a drink.

(I am kidding. Kinda...)

Anyway, all it took was a push. I put my foot down and said NO MORE, and here we are. I wish I had done this sooner. *sigh*


Shari said...

Mia is at a similar stage but further back. Does NOT want to wear her pretty princess undies. She is also missing her daddy and keeps saying she "wants to go home" which is the apartment they have moved out of and gone their separate ways. She had a meltdown this morning where NOTHING made her happy. Reminds me of Jaime when she was little.It is hard to be three and every other age, too.

Emilee said...

M isn't stupid... she has realized the pull ups are just like diapers and she can pee in them! Good job not giving in. Ashley practicly potty trained herself, so I am afraid of when it comes time to potty train Maigan LOL

Cindy Platt said...

Ah, don't second guess how long it took to get there, at least you're doing it now! Good for you.

Good luck and congratulations!

Belle said...

That's wonderful! Sometimes I really think they just want us to put our feet down. Children "want" boundaries and all.

It's been so long since mine were at the potty-training stages, but I agree...don't push. My oldest son was SO late to potty train, but once he was ready? No accidents, ever. Not a one. Those who had potty-training forced on them? I always heard their parents talk about frequent accidents. No offense to your readers who waited till their kids were ready & the kids still had accidents; I know that's normal. But I definitely saw a correlation between lots of accidents and potty training too soon.

Anonymous said...

I spent many days angry when i was training David. That kid messed in his pants every chance he got. Ugh. Now he is 9 and just chooses to not wipe his ass.

Anonymous said...

We're potty training the most stubborn 3 1/2 year old boy right now! He will pee in it but no way on the poop. I am losing it daily! Understand completely what you are going through! Hope it goes well.

amy lusk