Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Steps up onto soapbox.....

I have been seeing a lot of things lately that are really getting me fired up. The first one being on Facebook, consists of a group of people trying to get a group kicked off of Facebook. I do not remember the exact name of the group, but it is something about not supporting the troops.

Now, before you go getting your skivvies in a wad, let me 'splain myself here...

I do not agree with that group any more than the next guy. I certainly would not have much to say to anyone who has joined up. I know a LOT of folks who do not support the war(s), but still support the men and women who choose to stand up for this nation.

I support our military. Fully.

I also support free speech. It is one of our most precious freedoms. I just do not believe in taking that right away from anyone...even IF the people involved are against those that fought for us to have that right, and continue to FIGHT for that right, amongst the many things that they fight for. *breathes*

Censorship is not a good thing, in my opinion.

It is ok to abhor the group and what it stands for. Don't join. Start your own group in support of the troops, or for/against something that really means something to you. But to sit and whine about how wrong it is for these people to have their group, and their say, well, it is not going to do any good.

I find that to be such a common theme these days, especially in regards to politics.
If someone does not agree with another person's view, then that person is wrong, or an idiot, or ignorant.

Why? Because they do not see things the same way that you do?? Pffft.
Do not get me wrong. There truly are some ignorant, and flat out moronic people out there.

I have come across some real ignorance in dealing with T and all that has happened as of late. Sometimes the things that people say leave me on the floor.

Anyway, stepping down off of the soapbox for now. I am tired. Night night.

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