Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Yep. A post about poop.

Today while at the playground, M was playing with a 2.5 year old boy who was fully potty trained. This made me feel like a colossal failure. So we came home and with no diapers left, I told her that this was simply IT.

She can scream and cry all she wants. No more diapers. I have some pull-ups for at night, but that is IT.

T brought out her potty. She promptly carried it back to the bathroom. There was much drama. I took off her last diaper and put her new Dora skivvies on. She got to prance around in front of the mirror to see them. She went for two hours, and then assumed her position between couch and coffee table (this would be prime pooping position) and I gently reminded her that she needed to use the potty.

And she did.

She walked over, pulled down her skivvies, sat down, and pooped.

Mommy gagged.

How can poop in the potty somehow be worse than poop in a diaper?? What kind of mindfuck is that? I mean, poop is poop. I think maybe seeing it in a potty container flipped a switch in my brain. Not to mention, how does a 3 year old poop larger poops than I do?? It clogged the terlet.

Yes yes. I know you could have done without that tidbit of info.

Anyway. She did it. We made a big, huge, colossal deal out of it.
Then, she followed me into the office, and promptly peed on the floor.


1 comment:

Nonnie said...

This is how we did it with LG, Jen. It was a mess for a few days, but after about ten days were were done! That was a little over a year ago, and I could probably count the accidents she's had in that time on one hand. Some kids really just have to be forced into it!